This blog is just the thoughts and views from my scary mind. I want to share my feelings and stories for enjoyment and learning. Not to just educate you as readers but to also educate myself. There are so many thoughts that run through my mind during the day and this helps sort them out. Most of my thoughts pertain to what my Savior, Jesus Christ, is teaching me and other thoughts are complete randomness. So please enjoy and comments are always welcome.
Top Ten Musical Experiences of 2013
I used to be big on the end-of-the-year Top Ten lists when I was an avid
blogger. Honestly, I haven’t read all that many books, or at least that
many books...
God uses the mess...
As a "Christian," why does my stomach turn when I use that word to describe
myself, I have related with God's words in a lot of different ways
throughout m...
Cody, take a look at this guy who cartoon blogs for the NYT:
His stuff is incredible.