Saturday, February 28, 2009


I think the main issue with parking on campus is not car parking, but bicycle parking. Seriously, our campus needs more bike racks. They also need to make some improvements to the old racks. Each rack should be big enough that there is plenty of room in between each bike. This is so no one can touch the shimmering tassels on my handle bars. A lot of people need to learn the proper bike rack etiquette. The main lesson that needs to be learned is that if you knock another persons bike down do not leave the bike put it back the way you found it. It is not appropriate to let the bike strangle on its own lock.

The university should also include certain luxuries by the bike racks. Each rack should have its own coffee or drink stand, so you can warm your hands on a nice hot cup of joe. Also, each rack should have an air pump, so people can air up the tires. There should also be a concierge service that wipes off your seat when it snows or rains. These are just some simple improvements the university can make. It would be a lot more simple than messing with the car parking on campus.


  1. Haha I love the your suggestions!

  2. A different take on parking. Fortunately I can park my bike in my office....
